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Module description - Project 2 Engineering and Management
(Projekt 2 Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)

ECTS 6.0
Aspiration level Analysing, calculation, defining, judging, clarifying, modifying, describing, writing, developing
Learning objectives The students are capable of launching an ambitious project, developing a project proposal, reaching an agreement with the sponsor on the project's objectives, developing a project organization, preparing a risk analysis, applying the principles of project team organization, applying project controlling means, writing a project progress report, achieving agreed project aims, carrying out a project completion, evaluating their project (path, methods and results).
Summary The students run real projects in teams for real business customers.

Phase project team building: To build the project team, establish contact and order clarification

Phase contract clarification: Take the description of the project, prepare and carry out the meeting with a project coach, agree, prepare, implement and evaluate the kick-off meetings with the customer

Phase project execution: Prepare the project agreement, agreement of individual topics with the project coach and methods coach, edit the work packages according to own planning, reach project goals, inform, communicate, document

Phase project termination: create and distribute documentation, final presentation at the customer's premises, carry out the final hearings
Previous knowledge Module Project 1
Performance assessment, displaced module test Grade(s) acquired over the course of the semester
Date 01.10.2014
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