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Module description - Project 4 Engineering and Management
(Projekt 4 Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)

ECTS 6.0
Aspiration level analyze, calculate, determine, judge, clarify, modify, describe, draw, develop.
Learning objectives The students are capable to launch an ambitious project, to create a project application, to agree on project goals with the project sponsor, to develop a project organization, to develop a risk analysis, to adapt the principles of the project team organization, to apply project management means, to write a project progress report, to reach agreed project goals, to carry out a project conclusion, to evaluate their project (path, methods and results).
Summary The students run real projects in teams for the industry.
Phase project-team building: To build the project team, contact with all relevant stakeholders and order clarification.
Phase order clarification: Receive the project description, prepare and carry out the meeting with a specialist coach, agree, prepare, implement and evaluate the kick-off meetings with the customer
Phase project execution: Prepare the project agreement, agree on individual additional topics with the specialist coach and methods coach, edit the work packages according own planning, reach project goals, inform, communicate, document
Phase project conclusion: Create and distribute documentation, final presentation, carry out the final hearings.
Previous knowledge Project 3
Performance assessment displaced module test Oral (final presentation / final hearing) and written (project report) odule end test
Date 01.10.2014
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