Module description
- Mastering Digital Enabled Sales
Number |
ECTS | 3.0 |
level | advanced |
Overview | Successful product managers are characterized by professional sales and negotiation skills, as well as a pronounced customer orientation. Thanks to these, they are able to navigate and manage a myriad of stakeholders. Since the majority of B2B purchase decisions are being made online, it has become an inevitable skill of sales-oriented product managers to master the necessary tools and understand forces at work. Content:
Learning objectives | Students master the basics of the sales, sales techniques and negotiation tactics. Student assess the scope of key account management and are able to de-sign contextually relevant sales concepts. Students understand the basics of CRM and sales funnel management. Students understand the concept of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Students explore the impact of digital technology on sales. Students understand social selling techniques and tools available. |
Previous knowledge | Marketing (mkt) |
Exam format | Final oral exam, weighting 100 % |
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