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Module description - Learning Workshop

ECTS 2.0
Specification Improve personal, self-organised learning
Level Basic
Content Self-directed learning plays an important role not only in the Data Science degree programme, but also on the further path of lifelong learning. Setting learning goals for oneself, selecting the appropriate learning material and the right tasks, and taking responsibility for one's own learning path and making progress sets high standards.

The learning workshop helps students to analyse their self-directed and self-organised learning, to identify obstacles to learning and to work specifically on improving their own learning.
Learning outcomes Analyze
Students will be able to analyse their current learning situation, identify the strengths and weaknesses of their learning to date and define the areas of action that are most important to them.

Students know theoretical backgrounds and methods that can help in a field of action they have chosen and plan how to improve their learning based on this.

Implementing and adapting
Students implement their planned improvements over time, regularly reflect on their progress and adjust their strategy if necessary.

Reflect and implement
At the end of the semester, students reflect on their chosen method, their adaptations, the progress they have made as a result, and make a habit of their new learning style.
Evaluation Testate
Modultype Portfolio Module
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