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Module description - Embedded Systems Design Laboratory 1
(Labor Embedded Systems Design 1)

ECTS 3.0
Level advanced
Overview This laboratory is a supplement to the specialisation profile “Embedded Systems Design”. The aim of the lab is to understand, practically implement and deepen the content from the theory lessons of the modules “Digital ” and “Communication Technology”. Accordingly, the lab consists of two parts - digital circuit technology and communication technology.

    Digital circuit technology:
  • FPGA technologies and platforms
  • various design methods for FPGA
  • digital signal processing on FPGA
  • embedded systems on FPGA

Communication technology:
  • manufacturing and validation of a DSP board (incl. creation of firmware)
  • experiments in the field of communication technology
    – digital transmission
    – FSK
    – matched filters
    – mixers
    – directional couplers
    – NWA

  • Learning objectives

    • The students can apply the methods covered in the theory modules to practical problems.
    • They are capable of using the necessary tools and measuring equip-ment correctly and analyze the results appropriately.
    • They can apply various methods for FPGA design.
    • They will be able to configure more complex integrated circuits after studying the relevant data sheets.

    Previous knowledge Simultaneous attendance

    • Digital Signal Processing - Fundamentals (dsvGL)
    • Communication technology - basics (komGL)

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