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FHNW databases

The University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland can access and use numerous databases arranged by subject and including additional guidance material. More electronic offers are also available and can be accessed via the university Website or via VPN.

getAbstract - compressed knowledge

Home to a comprehensive online library of business book Abstracts.

Koordination Schweiz

Corpus juris on social security and coordination law.


PubPsych is a search portal for international, but mainly European psychology publications managed by ZPID. It can be used free of charge.


Scopus is the largest curated abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature (journals, books, conference papers …) and features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.

Swissdox Essentials

Swissdox Essentials covers a wide range of the Swiss media scene and offers a user-friendly interface.

Swisslex - Rechtsdatenbank

Switzerland's most comprehensive legal database with approximately 400'000 full text documents. Log on to Swisslex: the FHNW University of Applied Sciences students and staff on Olten Campus can Register directly with Swisslex.