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There are usually costs for publishing Open Access. FHNW researchers have various options and funding sources at their disposal.

First publication: What financial support does FHNW provide?

When publishing via the gold or hybrid way, publishers generally incur fees in the form of Article or Book Processing Charges (APC / BPC). FHNW has corresponding agreements with various publishers that cover Open Access publication fees for FHNW members in full or in part.

In the journal lists you will find all titles that are part of the respective agreement (excluding certain article types or journals). In addition, some publishers have an annual quota of available articles. Once the quota has been exhausted, other financing options must be found. The SNSF covers the publication costs for articles produced as part of project funding. Publication costs for books or book chapters can be applied for independently of project funding.

Publisher (Duration)


Quota cap

More Information

(Jun. 2022-2025)

Hybrid-OA: covered
Gold-OA: covered



Hybrid-OA: covered
Gold-OA: covered



Hybrid-OA: covered
Gold-OA: covered, incl. «Prism» and «Research Directions» journal series



Hybrid-OA: covered
Gold-OA: covered
new incl. Cell Press and The Lancet journal series



Gold-OA: covered



Hybrid-OA: covered
Gold-OA: covered



20% discount on APC
10% discount on BPC



Hybrid-OA: covered
Gold-OA: 15 % discount on APC



Hybrid-OA: covered
Gold-OA: covered

Hybrid-OA: No
Gold-OA: Yes


Hybrid-OA: covered


Taylor & Francis

Hybrid-OA: covered
Gold-OA: covered



The prerequisite for the assumption of article processing charges (APC) is that the corresponding author belongs to FHNW. This is based on the corresponding register of people. As a corresponding author, you confirm your affiliation with FHNW in the submission system and use your institutional e-mail address. Ideally, you should also be in the IP range of FHNW; this enables automatic assignment for invoice processing by many publishers. Publications that were created during employment at FHNW but are only submitted after the employment relationship has ended must include the FHNW affiliation. Once your publication has been accepted, you will receive a request from the publisher to complete the publication process by selecting various publication options. Confirm that you wish to publish your article Open Access and select a Creative Commons license. The FHNW Library recommends CC BY 4.0.

A helpful tool for finding a suitable Open Access journal is the OA-Finder. It allows you to compare Open Access publication conditions.

You can find more information in the flowchart (PDF, 70 KB). We are also happy to support you in an individual consultation: b3Blbm5lc3NAZmhudy5jaA==

Secondary publication

In the case of an Open Access secondary publication, the first publication takes place in a journal with paid reading access. There are no publication fees. Secondary publications can be published in parallel or with a time delay at a different location. In the case of scientific publications, this is done via a specialist or institutional repository. Many academic publishers allow secondary publication, but the specific conditions must be clarified in advance.

At FHNW, secondary publication is possible via the Institutional Repository FHNW (IRF). The verification of secondary publication rights is undertaken by trained library staff.