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ABI Inform full-text database

Economics (management, finance and banking, accounting, trade) and technology, IT and other fields; more than a third of the sources in full text. ABI/INFORM Global and Trade & Industry are part of the subscription.
The database is fully integrated in ProQuest One Business.

ACM Digital Library full-text database

All publications of the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) with an archive of approx. 50 years (excluding e-books) as well as the “Guide to Computing Literature” with bibliographic information on journals from major computer publishers.


Bibliography of the US National Agricultural Library.

AHFS Patient Medication Information

The database contains information on brand names and generics. Find out more about their side effects, dosage and precautions.

Annual Reviews

Database with reviews in various research areas.

Art & Architecture Source full-text database

Database for fine and applied arts, design and architecture. Includes the Wilson Art Full-Text and Art Index Retrospective sources, a total of 750 journals in full text, references and abstracts from other leading international journals (USA, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Holland), 220 e-books and 63,000 images.

Artstor Digital Library

Image collections from museums, private collectors, photo agencies, architectural photographers, etc. for research and teaching.

Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals

Architecture, architectural history, monument protection, interior design, landscape architecture, furniture and decoration, urban planning and urban development.

BabelScores full-text database

BabelScores is an extensive online library of contemporary music from the last 40 years.

BASE full-text database

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine is a scientific search engine for publicly accessible documents, including dissertations.

BDSL Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

Bibliography of German linguistics and literary studies. Includes references from 1985 onwards on literature, German studies and linguistics.

Britannica Academic full-text database

Encyclopedia for geography, animals, art, history, technology, natural sciences and more. The text is supplemented by: A world atlas, interactive timelines, 37,000 illustrations and maps, 4,200 audio and video clips and animations, a daily newsletter with reports from “The New York Times” and “BBC News”, verified links to related websites, full-text links to over 700 journals and magazines published by EBSCO and ProQuest Information and Learning, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus, World Data Analyst Online, a collection of current and historical statistical data and basic information on over 200 countries worldwide.

Bundesgerichtsentscheide full-text database

The Federal Supreme Court decisions and the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights can be viewed on the website of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court.

Business Source Premier full-text database

This business database (marketing, management, finance, economics) contains 2,200 journals in full text as well as market research reports and industry and country reports.

Cochrane Library full-text database

The Cochrane Reviews contain the results of leading medical studies (evidence-based health care).

DAAI Desing and Applied Arts Index

Bibliographic database with entries from 1973 onwards on designers and the development of design and applied arts in the fields of ceramics, glass, jewelry, wood, metal, textiles and fashion, furniture, architecture, web design, computer graphics, animation, product and industrial design, landscape architecture.

Derwent Innovations Index

Contains around 14 million patents on chemistry, electronics, electrical engineering and engineering from over 50 patent offices.

Dorsch online full-text database

The Dictionary of Psychology contains around 13,000 articles on basic principles, terms, concepts and areas of application. The contents are structured according to 19 psychological fields.

Duden Sprachwissen full-text database

Duden via Munzinger contains German dictionaries on spelling, style, origin, linguistic doubts, sociolects, family names, and much more.


Electronic bibliography of the American Economic Association (AEA), includes economic theories, country studies, literature on trade, social indicators, etc.

Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI)

This source for video and media art contains works from the beginnings of video art in the 1960s to the present day.

ERIC (Ovid)
ERIC (ProQuest)

The database contains documents on the educational sciences from the Education Resources Information Center (US Department of Education).

Espacenet full-text database

Database of the European Patent Office, contains information on patent applications (original documents including images) from over 72 countries and regions.

Essential Science Indicators (ESI)

Database of the European Patent Office, contains information on patent applications (original documents including images) from over 72 countries and regions.

Eurostat full-text database

Statistics of EU member states; cooperation with OECD and UN as well as with countries from Central and Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union and Mediterranean countries.

Factiva full-text database

Newspapers and magazines from all over the world in full text, including various Swiss newspapers, company information and press photos.

FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals

Literature references for 300 film journals since 1972, brief information on 22,000 silent films, a bibliography of publications by members of the FIAF (International Federation of Film Archives) and an international directory of film and TV documentary collections.

FIS Bildung

The FIS Education Literature Database offers literature references on all areas of education. The database lists monographs, anthologies and articles from specialist journals. FIS Bildung is compiled in cooperation with almost 30 partners from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The coordination office is located at the Inofrmationszentrum Bildung (IZB) at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education.


Contains detailed summaries of publications in the fields of leadership & management, science & technology, history & biographies, world literature or politics & society. The database is accessible to FHNW members via SWITCH edu-ID. GetAbstract is also available via mobile App.


Contains information on the impact of humans on the environment. The following topics are covered in the database: climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, etc.

Henle Library-App full-text database

The Henle Library app offers university members access to sheet music from the Henle publishing house. The Urtext editions, appreciated for their good layout and scholarly soundness, can be saved on a terminal device (tablet/smartphone) and also accessed and edited offline. Registration with an FHNW e-mail address is required for access:

IBA International Bibliography of Art

Applied arts, history of architecture and art, museology and conservation. References prior to 2008 can be searched via the predecessor database BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art).

IBSS International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences of the London School of Economics: economics and political sciences, sociology, anthropology.

IEEE Xplore Digital Library full-text database

Literature (journals, conference reports, standards) from the beginnings to the present day in electronics, electrical engineering and computer science. Also included: IBM Journal of Research and Development, the NESC (National Electrical Safety Code) and the IEEE Standards Dictionary.

Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

The Journal Citation Reports are published annually and provide various data and information on citations from and in scientific journals. This also includes information on the "impact factor" of a journal.

JSTOR full-text database

JSTOR (Journal Storage) is a digital library with selected journals, books and images from the fields of Business & Economics, Arts, Music and Social Sciences.

Komponisten der Gegenwart full-text database

KDG is a reference work on the most important composers of the 20th and 21st centuries. The encyclopedia presents over 900 composers.

Knovel full-text database

Basic knowledge for engineers (manuals, reference works) and interactive calculation tools (equations, tables, graphics, unit converters).

Legalis full-text database

Database for researching standard legal works, legal collections, commentaries (including Basler Kommentare and Commentaires romands), handbooks, university publications and journals (with the exception of AJP/PJA and GesKR).

LEX campus (formerly Swisslex) full-text database

LEX campus (formerly Swisslex) is the most comprehensive legal database in Switzerland with around 400,000 documents in full text. Students and employees of FHNW can register directly with LEX campus using their FHNW e-mail address.

LISA Library & Information Sciences Abstracts

"Library and Information Sciences Abstracts": Specialist journals on librarianship and information science. More than 400 journals have been analyzed since 1969.

LISTA Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

"Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts": Database for librarianship and information management. References from more than 580 journals, books and conference proceedings from the 1960s onwards.

LLBA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts

Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts: Literature references from 1973 onwards from specialist journals, books and dissertations in linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, etc.

Medline (Ovid)
Medline (ProQuest)
Medline (Web of Science)

Database of the National Library of Medicine (USA): clinical medicine, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology and pharmacy, dentistry, psychology and psychiatry, public health. Accessible via the Ovid, ProQuest and Web of Science platforms.

MGG Online full-text database

Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG) is a comprehensive encyclopedia of music.

Music Online full-text database

Collection of sources on music. Contains sheet music and audio data from the collections Classical Scores Library (Vol. 1-6) and Music Online: Listening.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)

Database of the US Department of Justice on criminal law and criminology.

Naxos Music Library

Streaming platform for Classic, Jazz and World Music.

Nexis Uni full-text database

National and international daily and weekly press in full text (e.g. Tages-Anzeiger, Handelszeitung, Le Temps) as well as country and company information.

nkoda full-text database

The world's largest music library offers access to high-quality scores and performance materials from over a hundred publishers.
To access within the FHNW network, you need to register via the SWITCH edu-ID. Please find instructions here.

NZZ Online full-text database

Archive of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and the NZZ Folio from 1993 to the present and the NZZ am Sonntag from 2002 to the present.
Note: The NZZ prohibits the use of its content for the training of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning or the development of algorithms and similar technologies outside of special agreements.

OECDiLibrary full-text database

Statistics, books, journals and other publications of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. full-text database is a joint project of the Confederation, cantons, municipalities and other Swiss organizations with a government mandate. It provides the general public with more than 8,800 open government data centrally.


The database contains standardized information on around 300 million companies worldwide. You can search for companies with certain characteristics and make various comparisons and evaluations.

Oxford Bibliographies Online: Social Work full-text database

Das Verzeichnis bietet Zugang zu ausgewählten, von Experten geprüften Quellen im Bereich der Sozialen Arbeit.

Oxford Music Online full-text database

Contains the full text (continuously updated) of: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2001), The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (1992), The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz (2002), Encyclopedia of Popular Music, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, The Oxford Companion to Music.

ProQuest One Business full-text database

The database offers comprehensive search options and full-text access to over 2,400 industry and trade journals, several hundred newspapers and magazines and almost 30,000 e-books. Special company and industry overview pages as well as sector and country reports provide data for detailed company research, including SWOT analyses, financial information, market research reports and current articles.

PsycArticles full-text database

Full-text collection of journals in the field of psychology, published by the American Psychological Association (APA).


Database of the American Psychological Association (APA) on psychology and psychologically relevant subfields such as: Psychiatry, medical care, sociology, economics.


Psychological and pedagogical test procedures that are used in German-speaking countries as well as references to psychologically relevant publications by authors from German-speaking countries.


This database contains references to journals, books, pamphlets and technical reports dealing with PTSD and its consequences. Sponsor: US Department of Veteran Affairs.


Free source of the US NIH (National Institutes of Health). Contains the references of biomedical literature in Medline as well as life science journals and e-books.

Regional Business News full-text database

Includes regional business publications in the United States and Canada, including newspapers, magazines and other news sources.

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature

The world's largest bibliography of music literature, compiled by the "Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale", contains references from over 5,200 journals and other sources from 1967 to the present day.

RSC (ChemSpider)

Free access to the chemical structure database of the Royal Society of Chemistry, which can be searched for chemical names or structures.

RSC (Gold) full-text database

Includes 31 current journals, two magazines and the journal archives of the Royal Society of Chemistry.


German building database RSWB and international building database ICONDA. RSWB provides bibliographical references to German publications in the fields of spatial planning, urban development, housing and construction. ICONDA is compiled in international cooperation and contains contributions from various countries in the fields of building construction, civil engineering, architecture and urban planning.


SciFindern provides comprehensive information on compounds and reactions based on the Chemical Abstracts databases. SciFinder-n is an easy-to-use, browser-based user interface for MEDLINE and the following Chemical Abstracts databases: CAplus (literature 1907 - ), CAS Registry (compounds 1907 - ), CASREACT (reactions 1974 - ), CHEMCATS (chemical catalogs), CHEMLIST (legal guidelines for compounds). Prerequisite: One-time registration (SSO) required. Access within the FHNW network or from outside via VPN.


Around 1.4 billion books, articles, conferences and patents on technology, natural sciences, medicine, humanities and social sciences.

SNV-Connect full-text database

Successor solution to the e-NORM standards database. In addition to references, it also contains the full texts of approx. 50,000 standards from SWISSMEM, Electrosuisse, INB Interdisciplinary Standards Division (SNV), SIA and all ISO standards. These standards can be saved as PDF files and printed out. The database is accessible to FHNW members via SWITCH edu-ID.

Sociological Abstracts

Database with literature references on social sciences, sociology, social work and related fields.

SpringerMaterials full-text database

Database with numerical values and functions from physics, chemistry, technology and materials science. It can be searched by terms as well as by substances, structures and properties and contains documents with experimental measurements and properties of 290,000 substances and classes of substances.

SRMO SAGE Research Methods Online full-text database

Information on research methods in the social sciences from books, reference works, dictionaries, videos and case studies. Systematic or "Methods Map" to visualize the relationships between the methods. Also contains application examples ("cases").

Swissdox full-text database

Swissdox is operated by the SMD Swiss Media Database. It is both a media archive and news database and contains Swiss daily and weekly newspapers, journals and magazines, news agencies, online media and discontinued media from 1780 to the present day.

Teacher Reference Center

Reference database for education and pedagogy: assessment, best practice examples, current pedagogical research, curriculum development, elementary education, higher education, instructional media, literacy standards, school administration and teacher training.

Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry Volltext-Datenbank

Ullmann's is the benchmark reference in chemistry, chemical and life science engineering, covering inorganic and organic chemicals, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, polymers and plastics, food chemistry, and much more.


    Information on regular publications of all kinds: academic and scientific journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, newspapers, etc.

    Web of Science

    Multidisciplinary reference database, contains books, articles and conference papers on economics, technology, natural sciences, art, education, etc. Includes metrics for analyzing journals and articles as well as Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

    WISO full-text database

    German-language sources from sociology, social work, economics and political science, contains around 500 journals and 4,500 e-books as well as popular science literature in full text.


    Pure and applied mathematics (mechanics, physics, economics, chemistry, computer science, communication, operations research, statistics, etc.) Contains swMATH, an information service for mathematical software.