Learning Lab Arts and Design (LLAD)
The Learning Lab Arts and Design stands for a critical examination and documentation of teaching and learning practices in Art and Design on the basis of collaborations with museums, socio-cultural initiatives, schools, and universities.
How is learning in art and design to be understood? How does one best document, describe, explain, initiate, and enhance it? What are the consequences for different learning processes? What role do contingencies play on the learning process? How does one best use digitality in education, and what effect does it have on the future of teaching and learning? What can we as teachers and students contribute to learning processes? What kinds of space, in a literal as well as figurative sense, does learning require? These are just some of the questions we deal with at the Learning Lab Art and Design (LLAD), drawing on the experience of working together with museums, socio-cultural initiatives, schools, and universities. But the Learning Lab of IADE also exists as a real place at the HGK campus: it operates as a networking hub and a place of cooperation, participation, experimentation, and learning from one another.
LLAD opens up a hybrid space of learning through, about, and with art and design, linking practice-oriented and reflective formats with research- and development-oriented approaches and creating a place for collaborations - with schools, in teaching, with museums and other partners.
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