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2.12.2024 | Basel Academy of Art and Design, Institute of Arts and Design Education

A dense week of inspiration: AGI Congress and AGI Open 2024 – Perspectives

The Institute Digital Communication Environments (IDCE) of the HGK Basel in collaboration with the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) hosted AGI Congress and AGI Open from 29 September until 4 October 2024 with great success.

For the AGI Congress 2024, 220 AGI members gathered at the Campus of the Arts from September 29 until October 2, and followed a dense program of lectures, performances, tours and exhibition-visits.

The public two-day event, AGI Open 2024: Perspectives, was scheduled for October 3-4, 2024, at Stadtcasino Basel. It offered in-depth insights into the future of communication design, related educational fields, and its intersections with digital technologies for the 850 participants. It also addressed Swiss Graphic Design and Typography, which are under consideration for UNESCO World Heritage status, within the context of the international design scene. The conference further highlighted global challenges like fake news and artificial intelligence, examining their impact on the social responsibility of visual communication design, including its role in the transformation toward inclusive, pluralistic societies and digitalization.

You can find the details of the program here:

Accompanying the conference the following exhibitions were presented:

Rid the Grid. Women in Swiss Graphic Design 1900 – 1980 at the Campus Dreispitz.

unleashed: Early Explorations of Interactive Media in Visual Communication Design at the Museum Tinguely. See also the e-catalogue here:

Poster World: Poster World uses artificial intelligence to perform a metadata analysis and generate triptychs of posters based on formal similarities, revealing on screen a graphic richness that is difficult to perceive and that can be recomposed at will. A collaboration of the EPFL + ECAL Lab, the Poster Collection of the Design Museum Zürich and AGI Open.

The exhibitions "100 Years Kurt Hauert" at the Schule für Gestaltung Basel and the AGI Special Project "Perspectives on AI" at the Campus Dreispitz, were also on display during the AGI week.

Institute Digital Communication Environments IDCE

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Basel Academy of Art and Design, Institute Digital Communication Environments (IDCE) High-rise: D 5.03 Freilager-Platz 1 CH - 4142 Münchenstein near Basel