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3.3.2025 | School of Business

«I am now ready to run my own business»

Juan Pablo shares his experience from the Swiss-International MBA at the FHNW School of Business.

With a background in software engineering, Juan Pablo has been working in the area of quality assurance and test automation. Born and raised in Argentina, he left the country in 2012 and worked for many years in different companies around the globe in Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Spain before moving to Switzerland in 2016.

How did you become aware of the Swiss-International MBA?
When I decided to do an MBA I did a lot of research and checked several options for MBA programmes, I read a lot of reviews and online materials and FHNW fit my needs best.

What was the decisive factor for you to choose the Swiss-International MBA?
The flexibility of the programme, making it possible to manage and balance professional and private life while doing an MBA was one big point. It was easier for me to clear up time to attend online lectures on Saturdays than having to do classes on site during the week. But also the opportunity to travel during the International Study Trips and getting to know different cultures and visiting companies was certainly decisive.

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What have been the biggest challenges for you so far during your studies?
The answer to this question is two-sided, as it was both one of my biggest challenges and at the same time one of my absolute highlights: the International Study Trips. It is on the one hand very challenging to keep up with the quite intense programme of the Study Trip and at the same time manage the assignments. On the other hand it is just a great opportunity to establish business contacts and meet other people. Not only peers, but also businesspeople. For example we found out that one of my peers is living in the same city as myself. I’m sure we would not have found out we are almost neighbors if we had not both attended the Study Trip.

In what way do you think the MBA can support and push your professional career?
Having worked for many different companies in different countries, it is now time for me to run my own business. I have different business ideas, one of which is to launch my own product, a solar-powered Computer. The MBA covers all the business fields needed to run your own business such as marketing, financial planning, strategic management and it supports me in becoming successful with my company and feeling confident in business management.

What was your personal highlight so far?
During the Study Trip in Indonesia I was able to establish a very important business contact showing interest in my business idea. At an upcoming meeting in Switzerland, we will hopefully be able to clarify further details.

You are about to complete your last course before entering the thesis phase. Are you relieved that you are almost at the finish line and will soon complete your studies?
I have mixed feelings about it. Of course, everyone who starts an MBA programme wants to graduate. And at the beginning it was hard and challenging, you need to adapt and change your habits. I think I am going to miss the classes and the students. But we are all part of a community and I’m sure we will stay in contact and meet at events and I am very much looking forward to it.

What would you recommend to future MBA students?
Since this is an international MBA and we have peers from all over the world, it is essential to be aware of the cultural differences. So I would say cultural awareness and being open-minded is very important.

Swiss-International MBA FHNW

The Swiss-International MBA programme is tailor-made for innovative managers, entrepreneurs and experts in Switzerland, Europe and other key world regions. Find out more and join the programme to unleash your potential in international business!

Swiss-International MBA