10.10.2023 | School of Business
MAKEathon 2023: Solving real-world problems with the power of AI
From 16-17 September, the third MAKEathon event was held at FHNW Campus Olten.
More than 40 makers came together to tackle interesting company challenges. To develop their solutions and prototypes, they had access to the latest AI technologies from Microsoft and Metaphacts and were supported by mentors from FHNW’s Intelligent Systems Research Group as well as industry experts.
In just 24 hours, the winning team, GenDetectives, developed an innovative AI solution that combines the “in-context learning” method from popularized by gpt-4 with rule sets able to identify words in German texts that should be changed to ensure a gender-neutral language.
MAKEathon 2023 Impressions
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the participant, challenge providers, mentors and sponsors! We look forward to the next MAKEathon in 2024.

MAKEathon aims to generate AI-based solutions that address global challenges by combining the strengths of Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering.