6.12.2023 | School of Business
New Memoranda of Understanding with Shenzhen University Partners
FHNW School of Business has recently signed two MoUs with key partners in Shenzhen. The agreements will create greater opportunities for FHNW staff and students to learn more about the rapidly developing Greater Bay Area, participate in teaching and research, develop joint symposia and events and promote greater exchange of expertise in the field of education.
School of Business Director Prof. Dr. Regula Altmann-Jöhl signed both agreements.
The first agreement with Shenzhen Technology University follows on from a multi-year partnership which has included regular staff exchange and working with SZTU, FHNW School of Business, swissnex Shanghai and the Swiss Consulate in Guangzhou to co-host the 2023 swisstech roundtable - Sustainable by Design: cases from Switzerland and China.
The second agreement with Shenzhen Polytechnic University is based on Switzerland's national China policy to promote the dual education system and aims at supporting the educational and research activities in the field of dual and vocational education by the FHNW School of Business.