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18.2.2025 | School of Business

Setting out in a new direction

Caroline Binder talks about why she chose the Master's in Business Information Systems and how it allowed her to take on new tasks.

Caroline Binder graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Shortly afterwards, she decided to take another academic step - the Master of Science in Business Information Systems at the FHNW School of Business. Now, she is working on her thesis and is close to graduating.

Caroline, what motivated you to start a Master's degree after completing your Bachelor's?

I wanted to take a new direction and deepen my knowledge at the intersection of business and IT. I was also motivated by having enjoyed the lectures during my Bachelor studies.

How did you decide on our Master's programme at FHNW School of Business?

For me, the flexibility and wide range of modules were key. Students have the opportunity to attend lectures in the evenings or even on Saturdays and I was able to choose from a wide range of elective modules alongside the mandatory ones. This has allowed me to tailor my schedule to suit my interests, my time and my resources.

To what extent were you able to build on your previous knowledge?

Some of the courses covered business topics I was already familiar with from my undergraduate degree, but now we went into more detail. This was a great addition to my knowledge base.

Through certain modules in the Master’s programme, I also had more exposure to technical topics such as information technology. I was able to benefit in this regard from fellow students with a more technical background. Everyone brought different expertise, and we supported and complemented each other.

Caroline Binder

Through the Master’s programme I have become more familiar with processes. This knowledge has enabled me to take on new responsibilities in my job and contribute to the implementation of a new system.

Caroline Binder

What new opportunities have you gained that you didn't have at bachelor level?

The Master's degree significantly increases your chances on the job market. Many of my classmates were able to make a career move during or after the study programme.

For me personally, this education is a long-term investment and a chance to acquire and apply new skills. For example, through the Master’s programme I have become more familiar with processes. This knowledge has enabled me to take on new responsibilities in my job and contribute to the implementation of a new system.

What would you advise people who are considering a Master's degree?

Take your time to consider what truly interests you. The Master’s programme is an intensive phase, but also a time you can enjoy. You can build a great network and valuable friendships.

Master in Business Information Systems

Master in Business Information Systems

The Master of Science (MSc) in Business Information Systems has been designed for ambitious students who are committed to pursuing a career on the interface between business and information technology.

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