6.1.2025 | School of Business
The «Digital Technology Radar» offers insight into 12 important technologies for 2025
The fact sheets of the first edition 2025 were developed to support small businesses in identifying important digital technologies. They help SMEs to build a better understanding of the drivers of digital transformation and are intended to stimulate a strategy discussion.
The Digital Technology Radar is a visual representation of the 12 digital technologies of the 2025 edition with its two dimensions of Impact (from low to high) and Complexity (from low to high). The radar was developed from the viewpoint of a typical, small or medium-sized commercial organization which doesn’t necessarily have the resources of a large enterprise. The categorisation is based on a medium-term (3–5 years) perspective, aligning with the planning horizon of most strategy roadmaps. Organisations should be able to use the Digital Technology Radar to develop a better understanding of digital technologies and integrate these into strategy discussions.
The Digital Technology Radar is an important tool in the certificate programme (CAS) Digital Transformation Specialist (in German). As part of the programme, the seven action fields of digital transformation are taught. Dr. Torsten Wingenter, lecturer for the action field of «New Digital Technologies», centres his teaching around the findings from the Digital Technology Radar that has now been published.