Data management, analytics, pipelines for astronomical instruments. Research on the dynamics of the Sun.
Challenges addressed include the design and implementation of data pipelines that transform raw observations from telescopes into usable scientific data products. Astroinformatics furthermore investigate topics in the domains of archiving of massive data amounts, of classifying, and of visualising information. In all these topics, efficiency is key. The technologies we apply include database design, machine learning, high performance computing, computer graphics, and image processing.
Because astronomy data are publicly available in very large amounts, they are the most suitable for developing and testing applications than can then be transferred to other application domains.

Astroinformatics and Heliophysics at the University of Applied Sciences FHNW
More information about the activities in the field of astroinformatics and heliophysics at the FHNW School of Engineering is available on astro-helio.ch.
Visit astro-helio.chContact
Head of FHNW Institute for Data Science