Lecturer for solmisation and general historical music pedagogy: Tabea Schwartz
We are happy to announce that Tabea Schwartz has been elected and look forward to our extended collaboration both at the FHNW/HSM Institute and at the Music School of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.

Foto: Martin Chiang
Tabea Schwartz is dedicated to an up to date, historically inspired performance practice of 13th to 18th century music as well as to transporting this in education and projects.
While studying at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm she continually expanded her expertise in the musical languages of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque era. Today she pursues an active concert career as recorder player and with bowed instruments of the early modern era. Her diverse artistic activities have led to performances at the Globe Theatre London, the Teatro Metropolitano Medellín and in prestigious early music concert series in Basel, Zurich, Utrecht, Brugge, Stockholm and Magdeburg, among others. She is an initiator and board member of the concert series ReRenaissance.
Thanks to her collaboration with ensemble formations such as the Capricornus Consort Basel, Ensemble Leones, Miroir de Musique, SingerPur and Voces Suaves, she can be heard not only live, but also on the radio and on award-winning recordings. Her own debut album The Parensi Manuscript with unknown Italian recorder sonatas was released by panclassics in November 2020. The follow-up album with music from the Swedish Gerdin Manuscript was released in cooperation with SRF in fall 2021. With the project “More than Muses”, she is currently devoting herself to the musical landscape of Antwerp and Amsterdam around 1650 - from the perspective of three women who actively shaped the thriving culture of their time as a virtuoso, music printer and composer respectively (release of the recording in preparation).
Tabea Schwartz explores the field of music and education in research as well as teaching.
She is a lecturer for recorder/didactics, general music didactics and historical performance practice at the Zurich University of the Arts and has been giving solmisation courses at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis since 2018. In 2021 she developed a new course format for recorder didactics at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne and in 2021/2022 she held the professorship for recorder at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.
She has also been a recorder teacher at the Pratteln Augst Giebenach District Music School since 2014. She is particularly interested in the field of historical methodology, which she is currently exploring through her work at the Music School of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, e.g. as part of the oy... cantemos! project that was initiated in 2019, and with interactive school concerts of early music.
From autumn semester 2024-25, she will be teaching solmisation and general historical music pedagogy at the SCB/HSM and in the field of applied music theory at the SCB Music School.