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Swiss Sustainability Challenge

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Young people have a whole host of ideas on issues in our society, whether they relate to social matters such as healthcare and education, the environment or infrastructural issues like public mobility and sustainable building. The Swiss Sustainability Challenge focusses on supporting students and young people in developing and implementing their ideas and projects, to help them succeed in their commitment to the good of their community.

Participants benefit for free from

  • Individual consulting by experienced coaches
  • Online seminars and workshops
  • Networking opportunities
  • Access to the Sustainable Innovation Canvas
  • The chance to win a Pax Sustainability Award

The best projects are awarded with the Pax Sustainability Awards with prizes equivalent to CHF 20,000

«The central aim of the Swiss Sustainability Challenge is to support students’ ideas, projects and initiatives that promote public welfare and would be used by these students to contribute towards solving problems in our society.»

Claus-Heinrich Daub

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