No. The documentation can be submitted any time before the course begins. We recommend enrolling early (by the end of April of the year you wish to begin).
Yes. A 12-month commercial internship is generally required, and either a commercial or a technical internship for Business Information Systems (in German) and Business Information Technology (in English) programmes.
Yes. With a Vocational Matura in Business and Services, with a specialisation in services, no additional 12-month commercial internship is required.
A commercial internship should offer insight into as many commercial tasks as possible. (Possible areas are general administration, marketing, banking, insurance, etc.). Please note that the internship must last at least 12 months
No. Unfortunately, a sales (retail trade) internship will not be accepted.
No. It is up to the student to find an internship. We recommend consulting the following links:
No. With a Swiss Federal Diploma of Higher Education, an entrance examination must be passed and 12 months of commercial or - depending on the course of study - commercial or technical professional experience is required. For further information please contact the Admissions Office.
No. This is no longer obligatory in the new curriculum (since September 2017). Students who are working at least 50% in a relevant position can obtain ECTS credits from their second year of studies for their work (their job contract can be submitted during their studies).
No. A semester abroad is only compulsory in the Business Administration (International Management) full-time programme in English (in the 3rd semester). Otherwise, it is an option that is basically open to all students.
No. Students create a priority list, and places are distributed in accordance with their overall mark.
Yes, but only if the programme you wish to change to is not already full.
Yes, but only if the programme you wish to change to is not already full. If possible, the change should take place within the first two weeks.
Enrolled students will receive the definitive course schedule in the summer of the selected academic year.