Studying part-time
If you are engaged in gainful employment, you can take the mechanical engineering degree course as a part-time student.
The aim is to enable you to combine coursework for your degree with professional and/or family commitments. When studying part-time while in employment, it is possible to work in a qualified role for up to 60% of the time, spread over three working days per week. Projects assigned to you as part of your job can be worked on within the framework of the degree programme. The extensive bachelor's thesis is ideal for this.
The degree takes at least four years to complete. You will attend lessons over a period of 33 weeks per year. Classes generally take place from 08:15 to 18:00 during two days per week. However, classes may sometimes continue until 21:15.. Every second semester, you will take a module in the form of a workshop during tuition-free time. Expect 30 study hours per week (contact hours and self-study). Compared to a full-time degree, the choice of modules is restricted.