I want to go abroad!
Would you like to study abroad for a semester or do your thesis project outside Switzerland? Find out all you need to know here.
What opportunities do I have?
- You can spend up to two semesters at one of our partner institutions or do your thesis abroad.
- Selected students have the possibility to do a Double Degree in Linköping (Sweden), Prague or Bologna. The combination of degrees is especially helpful for students aiming to pursue a PhD.
- BSc students in their 2nd and 3rd year can participate in one of the FHNW International Student Projects: Insight China, Focus India, exploreASEAN, HOLATAM or connectUS
- There is also the possibility to do an internship via IAESTE.
The International Office invites all students to attend various information events.
I want to go abroad. What do I need to do?
- Decide: what country, what institution do I want to go to?
- Clarify: offer, nomination and application deadlines, language of instruction and admission criteria of the host institution.
- Coordinate: talk to the programme head about the ideal timing for an exchange semester and the modules you need to choose in order to receive the necessary number of ECTS. It is possible that the required language skills need to be certified. For thesis projects: define the content of the thesis as well as the supervisors at the HLS and the host institution.
- Inform the International Office with the agreement of the programme head or supervisor (aW50ZXJuYXRpb25hbC5saWZlc2NpZW5jZXNAZmhudy5jaA==).
- The International Office will then release the required documents and nominate you at the host institution.
- Complete the necessary documents and obtain the required signatures.
- The International Office reviews the SEMP documents and triggers payment after the start of the stay abroad.
- Check the international insurance, visa, accommodation and vaccination requirements. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs provides helpful information.
- Inform the Student Administration about the planned stay abroad.
- AFTER the stay: complete the final report and the experience report. Provide the Transcript of Records to the Student Administration..
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