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Double Degree with the University of Bologna (UNIBO)

For students with the specialisation Environmental Technologies.

Selected Students enrolled in the MSc in Life Sciences will have the possibility to study one additional semester in Environmental Technologies at the University of Bologna (UNIBO). Participating students will obtain two diplomas: MSc in Life Sciences FHNW and Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria per l' Ambiente e il Territorio by UNIBO. This combination of degrees is especially helpful for students aiming to pursue a PhD.

What our students say...

Bastien Vallat

to Bastien Vallat

Programme Details

After having successfully completed the first two semesters of the MSc in Life Sciences, students of the FHNW School of Life Sciences can spend the third semester at the University of Bologna.

MSc Thesis

Depending on the choice of the student, the MSc Thesis is either conducted under the auspices of the FHNW School of Life Sciences or the University of Bologna. The thesis of double-degree students is jointly supervised and evaluated by professors from both institutions.


DD Specialisation Environmental Technologies

Application process

Apply for the double degree programme by March 15th (for autumn semester) respectively September 15th (for spring semester) to Prof. Dr. Georg Lipps. A more detailed application process can be found on the MSc Moodle platform. Selected students will then be asked to submit an application to UNIBO by July 1st resp. December 1st.

Financial Support

Double degree students are eligible for the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) and may receive support in the order of CHF 1900 per semester at UNIBO.

Tuition Fee

Exchange students are not required to pay tuition fees at UNIBO. They stay registered at the FHNW and continue to pay their tuition to the FHNW.

University of Bologna

The University of Bologna is considered the oldest university in Europe and the third largest in Italy. It is located in the attractive student city of Bologna, where the approximately 80,000 national and international students shape the image of the city.

As in Switzerland, the academic year at UNIBO is devided into two semesters: autumn and spring. Start of studies of the double degree is either September (autumn) or February (spring). For the current semester dates please consult the semester periods at UNIBO.

More information on accommodation, student life, cost of living etc. can be found on the UNIBO website.

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FHNW School of Life Sciences

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences Hofackerstrasse 30 CH - 4132 Muttenz
More information about the location