Information on student and teaching mobility
The Swiss-European Mobility Programme funds mobility periods within Europe for students, teachers and staff at Swiss and European higher education institutions. The programme encompasses mobility activities from and to Switzerland (outgoing and incoming).
Exchange activities
Swiss-European Mobility Programme
The Swiss-European Mobility Programme offers students the opportunity to be part of a two to twelve months study exchange at a European partner institution, starting in the second academic year.
The number of exchange months is fully credited towards the course of studies. The exchange may be supported through a mobility grant.
The study exchange within Switzerland is in place among the Jazz Instituts of Basel, Berne, Lausanne, Lucerne and Zurich.
Registration and information for outgoing students
Due by mid-December with Martina Pratsch, International Relations Coordinator.
Within the framework of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme, students from partner institutions are eligible for a study exchange at the Academy of Music / Classic, the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and the Jazz Institute. The application is handled via the International Office of their home institution; the application deadline is 31 January for the following year of study. The application modalities are in general equivalent to ERASMUS+; any mobility grants for incoming students are supported by Swiss funding.
Registration and information for incoming students
Due by 31 January with Martina Pratsch
Within the framework of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme, teaching and administrative staff exchange is available for the FHNW Academy of Music / Classic, the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and the Jazz Institute with EU partner universities (see ERASMUS+). In terms of per diem and travel expenses, the exchange activities are supported by Swiss funding, both for incoming and for outgoing teaching staff. For budgetary reasons, it is strongly advised to plan the exchange by approx. May for the following year of study. The teaching exchange must comprise a minimum of two teaching days and a total of 8 teaching units.
Contact: Martina Pratsch
Contracts within the framework of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme currently exist with the following universities (Status July 2023). Further contracts will be concluded if required.
Belgium | Hogeschool Gent, School of Arts – KASK & Conservatory Gent |
Finland | Sibelius Academy, University of the arts Helsinki |
France | Conservatoire National supérieur de musique et danse de Lyon |
Italy | Conservatorio di Musica F. Venezze, Rovigo |
Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali "Rinaldo Franci", Siena | |
Latvia | Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmija, Riga |
Norway | University of Stavanger, Department of Music and Dance, Stavanger |
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Trondheim | |
Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo | |
Netherlands | Koninklijk Conservatorium, Hogeschool der Kunsten, Den Haag |
Austria | Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität für Musik, Schauspiel und Tanz Oberösterreich, Linz |
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien | |
Poland | Akademia Musyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego w Katowicach, Katowice |
Akademia Musyczna im. Krzysztofa Pendereckiego w Krakowie, Krakow | |
Sweden | Royal College of Music, Stockholm |
Slovakia | Vysoká škola múzických umení v Bratislave, Bratislava |
Spain | Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Barcelona |
Centre Superior Fundació Conservatori Liceu, Barcelona | |
Conservatorio Superior de Música "Salvador Seguí" de Castellón | |
Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias, Las Palmas | |
| Musikene, Euskal Herriko Goi-Mailako Musika Ikastegia / Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco, Donostia-San Sebastián |
Conservatorio Superior de Música Joaquín Rodrigo de València | |
Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón, Zaragoza |
Contact: Martina Pratsch
Martina Pratsch
- Telephone
- +41 61 264 57 33 (direct)