6.4.2020 | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Robert Buttery runs for Vice President of the EAIE
Robert Buttery's many years of experience in the international context of higher education and his knowledge of the non-profit organisation EAIE make him a highly qualified candidate for the position of Vice President.
Robert Buttery, Head of International Relations at the University of Applied Sciences FHNW, is running for Vice President of EAIE - European Association for International Education. This non-profit is the European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. Every two years, EAIE members elect the next generation of volunteer leaders online. This year's term of office runs from 6 to 24 April. EAIE members are invited to vote for the qualified expert online.
Excellent candidate for the office of Vice President
In Robert Buttery’s position over the last 15 years, his professional portfolio has encompassed every aspect of international. He is directly involved in strategic and operational aspects of internationalisation, promoting his institution globally and building sustainable partner university networks through proactive engagement at all major higher education events. He is a member of numerous national and international education committees, as well as a seasoned conference speaker on a wide range of internationalisation topics.
Robert Buttery's previous involvement in the General Council and as Chair and long-standing member of the Business Education Expert Community at EAIE also qualifies him for this important position. As a Vice President, he would focus on public relations, improving teamwork, knowledge transfer and developing the next generation of international educators. As elected Vice President, he would automatically become President in the following period (2022-2024).
EAIE – European Association for International Education
Founded in 1989, this non-profit organization equips academic and non-academic professionals with best practices and workable solutions to internationalisation challenges and provide a platform for strategic exchange. EAIA partners with key stakeholder organisations and institutions to promote membership interests and advance international higher education in Europe and the rest of the world.