Noemi Pfister
Noemi Pfister
Technical assistance painting workshop
Noemi Pfister lives and works as an artist in Basel. In 2017 she completed her Bachelor in Fine Arts with a focus on painting at HEAD in Geneva. In 2019, one year after starting the Work.Master, she decided to move to Basel, where she completed a Master in Fine Arts at the Institute Art Gender Nature, FHNW Academy of Art and Design. In the same year Noemi Pfister co-founded PALAZZINA, an exhibition space and artists’ house.
In her painting Noemi Pfister combines elements from the past and the present; she plays with references and collective memory. Sometimes with a scientific interest, sometimes with an unbiased wink, she allows different figures, formats and techniques to coexist in her visual world.
Noemi Pfister
- Technical assistance painting workshop
- Telephone
- +41 61 228 40 77 (direct)
- bm9lbWkucGZpc3RlckBmaG53LmNo
- FHNW Academy of Art and Design
Institute Art Gender Nature (IAGN)
1 Postfach
CH-4002 Basel
Institute Art Gender Nature (IAGN)
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Basel Academy of Art and Design,
Institute Art Gender Nature (IAGN)
Building: A 1.10
Oslo-Strasse 3
CH - 4142 Münchenstein near Basel
- Telephone
- +41 61 228 40 77
- aW5mby5rdW5zdC5oZ2tAZmhudy5jaA==