Patrik Christen
Patrik Christen
Activities at FHNW
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedKaufmann, C., Schmiedel, T., & Christen, P. (2024). Using generative artificial intelligence in university teaching. In A. Abraham, A. Bajaj, T. Hanne, & T.-P. Hong (Eds.), Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (Vol. 2, pp. 360–370). Springer.
Peer reviewedChristen, P. (2023). System Metamodelling of Open-Ended Evolution Implemented with Self-Modifying Code. Complex Systems, 32(4), 353–380.
Peer reviewedInglese, T., Fässler, L., & Christen, P. (2022). I show you how I solved It! - Empowering novice university students to learn programming and mathematics through self-produced videos to potentially teach to their peers. In S.-H. Wang & Y.-D. Zhang (Eds.), Multimedia technology and enhanced learning. 4th EAI International Conference, ICMTEL 2022, virtual event, April 15-16, 2022, proceedings (pp. 260–273).
Peer reviewedDel Fabbro, O., & Christen, P. (2022). Philosophy-guided modelling and implementation of adaptation and control in complex systems. 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Conference Proceedings. 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2022).
Peer reviewedChristen, P., & Del Fabbro, O. (2022). Philosophy-guided mathematical formalism for complex systems modelling. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). Proceedings, 2229–2236.
Peer reviewedFix, S., Probst, T., Ruggli, O., Hanne, T., & Christen, P. (2022). Automatic programming as an open-ended evolutionary system. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 14, 204–212.
Peer reviewedChristen, P. (2022). Curb your self-modifying code. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). Proceedings, 2607–2612.
Peer reviewedChristen, P. (2022). Programming data structures for large-scale desktop simulations of complex systems. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). Proceedings, 3000–3005.
Peer reviewedChristen, P. (2021). Modelling and implementing open-ended evolutionary systems (J. Čejková, S. Holler, L. Soros, & O. Witkowski, Eds.). MIT Press.
Peer reviewedAtkins, P. R., Stock, K., Ohs, N., Collins, C. J., Horling, L., Benedikt, S., Degenhart, G., Lippuner, K., Blauth, M., Christen, P., & Müller, R. (2021). Formation dominates resorption with increasing mineralized density and time postfracture in cortical but not trabecular bone: a longitudinal HRpQCT imaging study in the distal radius. JBMR Plus, 5(6).
Peer reviewedEngelhardt, L., Niemeyer, F., Christen, P., Müller, R., Stock, K., Blauth, M., Urban, K., Ignatius, A., & Simon, U. (2021). Simulating metaphyseal fracture healing in the distal radius. Biomechanics, 1(1), 29–42.
Peer reviewedFix, S., Probst, T., Ruggli, O., Hanne, T., & Christen, P. (2021). Open-ended automatic programming through combinatorial evolution. In A. Abraham, N. Gandhi, T. Hanne, T.-P. Hong, T. N. Rios, & W. Ding (Eds.), Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2021) (pp. 1–12). Springer.
Peer reviewedZhang, J., Wang, Y., Cheng, K.-l., Cheuk, K., Lam, T.-p., Hung, A. L. H., Cheng, . C.-Y., Qiu, Y., Müller, R., Christen, P., & Lee, .-W. W. (2021). Association of higher bone turnover with risk of curve progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Bone, 143.
Peer reviewedOhs, N., Collins, C. J., Tourolle, D. C., Atkins, P. R., Schroeder, B. J., Blauth, M., Christen, P., & Müller, R. (2021). Automated segmentation of fractured distal radii by 3D geodesic active contouring of in vivo HR-pQCT images. Bone, 147.
Peer reviewedSchmidt, P., Lehner, M., & Christen, P. (2020). Enhance reflection skills with social video learning. ETH Learning and Teaching Journal, 2(2), 113–118.
Christen, P., & Del Fabbro, O. (2020). Automatic programming of cellular automata and artificial neural networks guided by philosophy. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), New trends in business information systems and technology (pp. 131–146). Springer VS.
Peer reviewedChristen, P., & Del Fabbro, O. (2019). Cybernetical concepts for cellular automaton and artificial neural network modelling and implementation. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 4124–4130.
Peer reviewedSchulte, F. A., Christen, P., Badilatti, S. D., Parkinson, I., Khosla, S., Goldhahn, J., & Müller, R. (2019). Virtual supersampling as post-processing step preserves the trabecular bone morphometry in human peripheral quantitative computed tomography scans. Plos One, 14(2), 22–48.
Peer reviewedChristen, P. (2018). Moving beyond the genome with computer modeling. Personalized Medicine, 15(3), 145–148.
Peer reviewedChristen, P., Boutroy, S., Ellouz, R., Chapurlat, R., & Rietbergen, B. v. (2018). Least-detectable and age-related local in vivo bone remodelling assessed by time-lapse HR-pQCT. Plos One, 13(1).
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedChristen, P. (2021). Modelling and implementing open-ended evolutionary systems. The Fourth Workshop on Open-Ended Evolution (OEE4).
Peer reviewedDel Fabbro, O., & Christen, P. (2020). The emergence of typical characteristics of complex systems. Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2020).
Peer reviewedChristen, P., & Inglese, T. (2020). Virtual teaching of linear algebra with complex systems and artificial intelligence case studies. Tenth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2020).
Patrik Christen
- Lecturer, Institute for Information Systems
- Telephone
- +41 62 957 22 39 (direct)
- cGF0cmlrLmNocmlzdGVuQGZobncuY2g=
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Riggenbachstrasse 16
CH – 4600 Olten