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The team of the research field Environmental and Water Technologies of the Institute of Ecopreneurship FHNW.

Team Leader

Prof. Dr. Michael Thomann
Prof. Dr. Michael Thomann

Team leader and lecturer, environmental and water technologies

Telephone +41 61 228 53 34 (direct)

Team Members

Dr. Nora Corvini
Dr. Nora Corvini

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 57 72 (direct)
Patrik Eckert
Patrik Eckert

Technical specialist

Telephone +41 61 228 60 07 (direct)
Dr. Sebastian Hedwig
Dr. Sebastian Hedwig

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 53 85 (direct)
Rita Hochstrat
Rita Hochstrat

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 56 87 (direct)
Bartosz Kawecki
Bartosz Kawecki

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 51 71 (direct)
Dr. Luca Loreggian
Dr. Luca Loreggian

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 55 68 (direct)
Philipp Meier
Philipp Meier

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 58 51 (direct)
Michael Pulfer
Michael Pulfer

Scientific Assistant

Telephone +41 61 228 50 42 (direct)
Roman Schäfer
Roman Schäfer

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 62 38 (direct)
Dr. Jan Svojitka
Dr. Jan Svojitka

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 57 61 (direct)
Oliver von Arx
Oliver von Arx

Scientific Assistant

Telephone +41 61 228 50 59 (direct)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wintgens
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wintgens

Lecturer in environmental and water technologies

Telephone +41 61 228 55 31 (direct)

Institute for Ecopreneurship

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences, Institute for Ecopreneurship Hofackerstrasse 30 CH - 4132 Muttenz
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