Digital persona
Today we live digitally: a recorded life in an interconnected world. Each of us is a physical and a digital persona. A digital persona is the collection of digital data actively or passively produced by a physical individual during his lifespan and death.
Although, this data exists there is no uniform method to access this data as an individual or present it to medical professionals. The digital persona platform aims to be a converging ground for the stakeholders involved with the processes of health data, particularly privacy and sharing, interoperability and scalability.
Digital Persona is designed as a scalable web application, where the ethical component has been regarded as paramount. We are currently devising a novel way to share knowledge without disrupting the privacy of the underlying data. While the primary endpoint of the system remains the centralization of one’s digital persona, we pursue additional outcomes such as spreading knowledge and public education: the users receive exposure to the lifecycle of their data, becoming more aware of its gravity in their present and future, including generational outreach.
To achieve this target we pursue three main pillars: Data Streams, Measurements and Applets. The user can trace the path of their data as it moves from one area of the application to the other: from Streams where its gathered, to Measurements where it is stored and queried, to Applets where the relevant knowledge factors are extracted from the data (e.g., the result of a certain test on the users’ data).
We are currently developing the proof-of-concept and we focus to commonly circulated types of data: i) twitter data, ii) accelerometer data and iii) medical images. We are implementing the use cases into the digital persona app ecosystem and are working to extend Data Streams and possible sources.