Sensor systems for diagnosis and therapy
Design, implementation and testing of auto-calibrated, networkable, miniaturized sensor systems for diagnosis and therapy.
In medical technology, sensor systems with several function principles are used to increase the relevance of variable measurements (e.g. physiological parameters). We design, implement and test auto-calibrated, networkable, miniaturized sensor systems for diagnosis and therapy using modern analogue and digital electronics.
Our research work develops innovative magnetic field sensors for magnetically controlled catheter navigation, for MRT magnet quality control or to correct disturbed ECG signals recorded in MRT. We also use our magnetic field sensors outside medical technology in the wider field of life sciences, e.g. for mechanobiology.
Magnetic field measurement in a clinical MRT (Source: FHNW-HLS-IM2, Metrolab SA, Unispital Nancy)
For more information on projects in the field Sensor systems for diagnosis and therapy, please visit our dynamic institute website.
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