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The team of the research field Signal Analysis and Digital Biomarkers of the Institute of Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics FHNW.

Team Leader

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Reto Wildhaber
Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Reto Wildhaber

Lecturer at the Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics

Telephone +41 61 228 61 25 (direct)

Team Members

Céline Tchernin
Céline Tchernin

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 52 28 (direct)
Frédéric Waldmann
Frédéric Waldmann

Research Associate

Christof Baeriswyl
Nico Grütter
Nico Grütter

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 60 98 (direct)