Instruments FT40 and FT44 were scanned by 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography Scanning, and copies of these instruments were produced using a 3D printer.
As these two models lack reliable bocals, it was necessary to analyse bore similarities to other instruments with bocals in order to determine which would be most suitable for use with the printed copies. The aim of this set of comparisons is to find bore resemblances between the two studied instruments and three additionally selected fagottini: FT13, FT20, and FT29. The latter were chosen on the basis of the degree of similarities to FT40 and FT44.
The instruments used for this study are (scanned instruments in bold font):
Comparisons between instruments were made using data collected using the instrument-measuring methods of the FT team, described on the historical bassoon site. The raw data used in this study is available under the file name “Basic-complete” in each of the fagottino datasets on the Zenodo data repository site.
The results of the correlational analysis are displayed in bar graphs depicting measured points of each of the five fagottini displayed next to each other, making comparisons possible. The bar graphs allow a visualization of the similarities and differences at each of the measurement points, and are available in the “bore graph” tab of this site showing:
Several key points of the instruments were selected in order to create an overview. A comparison of the total internal bore lengths of each piece of the fagottini (wing joint, two butt joint bores, long joint, bell, and the total internal length) are given. Additionally, several key points were taken in consideration to compare the bore diameters at specific points.Two graphs were created, showing maximum and minimum diameters measured at those key points.
A comparison of diameters of the inner bore at the designated points is given. There is one graph for each of the bassoon joints (wing joint, two butt joint bores, long joint, bell).
A comparison of wing bore and small butt bore diameters offers added confirmation of the similarities shown in the above diameter selections. This is depicted on a linear graph outlining the bore profile.
A comparison of internal and external bore lengths of each joint (wing joint, both butt joint bores, long joint, bell and the total internal length).
Several measurements were taken to determine a description of the tone holes:
Taken together, these results provide important insights regarding the bores of the selected fagottini, suggesting close similarities between FT44 with FT20 and FT29. Those last two are extremely similar in their construction despite being made by different builders (FT29 Scherer and FT20 Müller). However, the similarities between the three instruments are remarkable in the internal bore length, together and in each specific joint, where the differences among the three instruments are minimal. Furthermore, some joints, such as the wing joint, also share a close resemblance when several measurements of the diameter at specific key points are taken into account. This can be seen from the data displayed on the bore graphs page.
Instruments FT40 and FT13 have notable differences in construction with respect to the above-mentioned three. The differences are not significant enough so as to discard completely the FT13 fagottino data, however. Wing joint bores: FT40 and 13 show similar bore shapes in the wing joint diameters. FT20 follows this trend, but with a smaller overall diameter. FT40 and 13 share many diameter values in the middle part of the wing bore. Small bore butt joints: All instruments have similar bore profiles, with the same trend of F20 as above. FT13 and 44 share many of the same diameter values in the middle part of the small bore.
The main goal of these comparisons was to determine the bore similarities and differences between a selection of five fagottini in order to decide which bocals were the best option to replicate for the 3D copies of FT40 and FT44. Considering also the conservation status of the preserved bocals, this study concludes that the bocal from FT29 was the best option for this purpose. Furthermore, a copy of the bocal of FT13 was also advised for research proposes, in order to include and test a bocal with a different profile trend.