Referencing basics

Each reference entry in your reference list includes the author, date of publication, title, and source.

Your reference list

  • Includes all the sources you cite
  • Includes only the sources you cite
  • Is arranged alphabetically

Reference elements according to

Reference management software

Keeping track of all your sources can be quite tedious. Thankfully, there is software, such as Zotero, Mendeley or Citavi, that can help you. You can download Zotero from the FHNW Software Center. Zotero can also be added to Word as a plugin to make the process of citing research in your paper more manageable. More information can be found here.

By the way, the FHNW library offers Zotero lunchtime courses for all campuses.

The following information is adapted from Linxen, S. (2020). Spickzettel: Mindesteinträge in Zotero für die häufigsten Literatureinträge [Cheat sheet: minimum entries in Zotero for the most frequent literature entries]. FHNW.

Entering your sources’ information into Zotero

Once you have downloaded Zotero to your computer, you can drag and drop journal articles into the desktop app or enter the necessary referencing information manually. When you drag and drop articles into the desktop app, you still need to verify that Zotero has recognized all the necessary information. You can check this on the right-hand side. 

In order to know where or not Zotero has included all of the necessary information, you have to know what information APA requires. The following tables will outline what information you need for various source types.

  • Monograph (i.e. books with single author or joint authorship)
  • Chapter in an edited book
  • Scientific/academic journal article
  • Report
  • Newspaper article
  • Website
  • Image

Scientific/academic Journal Article

Item typeJournal article
TitleTitle of article
Author(s)Last name, first name (of each author)
PublicationName of journal
VolumeJournal volume number
IssueWhen provided
PagesPages of journal article
DateYear of publication
DoiWhen provided
UrlWhen provided
Further Information
Journal articles usually have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). This unique and persistent digital identifier
should be included if available. If a DOI is present, a registered URL will be ignored.
Reference entry with DOI
Shen, L., He, Y., Li, L., & Chau, K. (2020). Impacts of online shopping convenience and physical retail proximity on housing prices in Shenzhen, 2016-2018. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35(1), 1157-1176.·020-09732-w
Reference entry with URL
Shen, L., He, Y., Li, L., & Chau, K. (2020). Impacts of online shopping convenience and physical retail proximity on housing prices in Shenzhen, 2016-2018. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35, 1157-1176.·020-09732-w
Reference entry without DOI or URL
Shen, L., He, Y., Li, L., & Chau, K. (2020). Impacts of online shopping convenience and physical retail proximity on housing prices in Shenzhen, 2016-2018. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35, 1157-1176.

Monograph (i.e., books with single author or joint authorship)

Item typeBook
TitleTitle of book
Author(s)Last name, first name (of each author)
EditionFrom the 2nd on
PublisherName of publisher
DateYear of publication
UrlWhen given
Further Information
The place of publication is unnecessary. If the book has a DOI (or a stable URL), include it. If none is available, complete the reference entry after the publisher.
Reference entry with URL
van den Berg, G., & Pietersma, P. (201S). Key Management Models: The 75+ models every manager needs to
(3rd ed.). Pearson Education Limited. ModeIs-3rd-Edition- The–75-Models-Every-Manager-Needs-to-Know-3rd-Edition/PGM1071605.html
Reference entry without DOI or URL
van den Berg, G., & Pietersma, P. (201S). Key Management Models: The 75+ models every manager needs to
(3rd ed.). Pearson Education Limited.

Chapter in an edited book

Item typeBook section
TitleTitle of the chapter
Author(s)Last name, first name (of each author)
EditorsLast name, first name (of each editor)
Book titleTitle of the entire book
EditionFrom the 2nd on
PublisherName of publisher
DateYear of publication
PagesPages of the selected chapter
UrlWhen given
Further Information
The place of publication is unnecessary. If the book has a DOI (or a stable URL), include it. If none is available, complete the reference entry after the publisher.
Reference entry with URL
Svennevig, J. (2011). Leadership style in managers’ feedback in meetings. In J. Angouri & M. Mara (Eds.),
Constructing identities at work (pp. 17-39). Palgrave Macmillan. https//
Reference entry without DOI or URL
Svennevig, J. (2011). Leadership style in managers’ feedback in meetings. In J. Angouri & M. Mara (Eds.),
Constructing identities at work (pp. 17-39). Palgrave Macmillan.


Item typeReport
TitleTitle of the report
Author(s)Last name, first name (of each author)
or name of the organization
Report numberWhen provided
PlacePlace of publication
PublisherName of publisher,
if not online
DateYear of publication
UrlWhen given
Further information
The URL should be provided following the publisher of the report. If a report has a number, it should be indicated following the title before, in parentheses, before the full stop.
Reference entry with URL
World Health Organization. (2021). COP26 Special Report on Climate Change and Health: The Health Argument for Climate Action. World Health Organization. file:///Users/larssynstaley/Downloads/9789240036727-eng.pdf

Internal (non-public) sources

Item typeReport
TitleTitle of the document [Intranet/or relevant location]
Author(s)Last name, first name (of each author)
or name of the organization
PublisherName of publisher,
if not online
DateYear of publication
UrlWhen given
Further information
Following the title of the source, indicate the location where the document was obtained, i.e., your company’s intranet or SharePoint. Please note that this differs from APA’s method of handling internal documents as personal communication.
Reference entry
FHNW School of Business. (2021). Module Description 375: Foundations of Business Law [Internal Sharepoint Document].

Newspaper article

Item typeNewspaper article
TitleTitle of the article
Author(s)Last name, first name (of each author)
PublisherName of the publisher (i.e., newspaper)
DateYear, day, month
PagesWhen given
UrlWhen given
Reference entry with URL
Diaz, J. (2021, June 23). An energy company behind a major bribery scandal in Ohio will pay a $230 million
National Public Radio.
Reference entry without URL
Diaz, J. (2021, June 23). An energy company behind a major bribery scandal in Ohio will pay a $230 million
National Public Radio.


Item typeWebsite
TitleTitle of the webpage
Author(s)Last name, first name (of each author)
or name of the organization
Website typeIndicate when not a normal website.
I.e., indicate blog entry
DateYear of publication
UrlUrl of website
Further Information
The “Downloaded on” field only needs to be filled in for content that can change quickly (e.g. blog posts). When the name of the organization (i.e., authors) and the name of the website (i.e., publisher) are the same, the publisher is left out and the URL directly follows the title of the webpage.
Reference entry with Url
The University of Edinburgh. (2018). Assessing Reflection. Reflection Toolkit. uk/reflection/faciIitators-tool kit/assessment


Item typeArtwork
TitleTitle of the image
Author(s)Last name, first name (of each author)
or name of the organization
MediumType of image (e.g., photo, oil painting, etc.)
DateYear of publication
UrlUrl of website
Further Information
If an image is the subject of scientific research, its use is protected by the right of citation. If not, the rights
must be clarified and the image must be used according to the specifications of the rights holders.
Reference entry with Url
Krupa, J. (n.d.). Rosengarten [Photo].