Supporting the strategic planning of performance portfolios in hospitals by the use of interactive visualization

Siemens Healthcare Innovation developed a method for a DRG-suitable performance- and capacity scheduling. This method is used for consulting hospitals with strategic planning.The technology behind this method mainly consists of individual excel files, which implements the modelling and analysis of the planning process.

The research group for biomedical information systems at the University of Applied Sciences developed an application, which allows the consultants of Siemens to visualize and interactively manipulate the result of this planning process and finally to feed back the changes into the modelling. The goal of this bachelor thesis was to extend the functionality of this application, based on a plug-in architecture. For this purpose three plugins were implemented, that allow the possibility to compare portfolios on different layers, and combine, dispose or visualize portfolios of two or more institutions. In addition an intuitive change journal was implemented to save and display all modifications that were made.
