Daniela Tobler

Since 2005, Daniela Tobler has been working as research assistant at the University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). Besides her research activities, she supervises laboratory courses in the bachelor study program.

Until 2019 she was employed in the group of Bioanalytics, was responsible for Immuno- and Enzymatic Assay development, as well as for protein purification and characterization. She was involved in setting up the infrastructure for the bioprocess technology center and its associated bachelor program.

Since 2019 she is employed at the Institute of Pharma Technology (IPT), where she is working at the interface between the group of Thomas Villiger (Bioprocess Technology) and the Group of Oliver Germershaus (Pharmaceutical Technology of Macromolecular Drugs). Before joining FHNW, Daniela Tobler worked from 1998-2004 in the downstream development department, and from 1997-1998 in the department of Drug Metabolism and Pharmakokinetic both at Novartis Pharma AG Basel

Daniela Tobler completed her apprenticeship as a chemical laboratory assistant with a specialization in analytical chemistry in 1997. In 2004 she achieved the Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education.
