Dr. Matteo Planchestainer

Matteo Plachestainer studied Biotechnology at the University of Trento (BSc) and Industrial Biotechnology (MSc) at the University of Bologna in Italy. After graduating, he moved to the University College Dublin, (IE) and the University of Nottingham (UK) to complete a PhD in biocatalysis with Prof. Paradisi. He then spent two years as a postdoc at the University of Bern in the group of Prof. Albrecht, developing artificial metalloenzymes. In 2020, he joined the group of Prof. Panke at ETH Zürich as part of an interdisciplinary team working on bioprocesses for the production of «green» chemicals. In 2024, started at the FHNW with Prof. Villiger a pharma joint project for the digitalization of bioprocesses.
