Further articles

Biology, Medicine

Clinical, Laboratory and Multi-Omics Data to Leverage Machine Learning for Personalized Diagnostics

Early and accurate disease diagnosis is crucial for stopping disease progression and identifying appropriate treatments, but precise diagnosis of autoimmune disease is notoriously challenging due to the non-specific symptoms: it can take 4 to 5 years and multiple visits to various physicians. However, an early and precise disease diagnosis is…

Environment, Processes

Computer-assisted modelling of wastewater treatment

Computer-assisted modelling of wastewater treatment is becoming more and more popular and is particularly useful for the design and optimization of wastewater treatment plants. Popular models such as the Activated Sludge Model No. 3 (ASM3) consist of a series of differential equations which describe biochemical reactions which occur during biological…


ICU Cockpit – Learning from Real-time Data Streams in the Intensive Care Unit

In today’s intensive care units (ICUs), biosensors collect up to 100 GB of data per patient every day. These vast amounts of data are only valuable if they lead to better patient outcomes. The following questions arise:How can medical staff gain insights from this data?How can risk constellations be identified as early as…

Biology, Processes

Analysis of Host Cell Proteins in Protein A Eluates of Therapeutic Proteins

Host cell proteins (HCPs) are one of the major process-related impurities of therapeutic protein production based on biological systems such as Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. For clinical application of biopharmaceuticals, the control of HCP is crucial for product stability, product quality and patient safety. This project aims to focus…


House of Data: Procrastination in digitalization

Notebooks, excel sheets, calendars, all on papers; how do we handle our daily information and data exchange? Sincerely, digitalization often lacks behind. The talk shall show on the example of the emerging HLS ‘open access platform’ for analytical equipment and spectra analysis tools why digitalization is a process that needs…

Biology, Medicine

Model-based signal processing for fast computations on sensor signals in biology

Model-based signal processing approaches often form the missing link between raw sensor data and sophisticated machine learning methods. To provide state-of-the-art algorithms in this area, FHNW/HLS recently launched the open source project lmlib.ch. In this presentation we will give a short insight into the project with some…


Data collection: from field research toward digital government

Data integrity is crucial, from the field measurements to the analysis. It is crucial in a research project, and even more in a humanitarian context in developing countries. The available digital tools could reduce any risk of data loss and allow the researchers to visualize near real-time information and monitor…


Inline measurement of density and refractive index during liquid-liquid extraction

The combination of membrane-supported liquid-liquid extraction with inline concentration measurement of the two phases allows the mass transfer to be monitored continuously without additional offline analysis. Since mixing and separation of the two liquid phases is not required, the process can be operated continuously without long settling times. In discontinuous…


Digitalization and Automation of Cell Culture Processes

Building accurate and robust Raman models for online monitoring of cell culture processes remains a difficult and time-consuming task. A novel offline calibration approach based on design-of-experiment spiking and multivariate data analysis was developed to monitor of several cell culture components simultaneously. Raman prediction models enabled real-time insight into the…
