Biology, Medicine

Pathogenic cancer-specific alternative splicing events

26. Januar 2023

Alternative RNA splicing is a regulatory cellular mechanism to create multiple mRNA molecules from the same gene and is often disrupted in diseases. We could show in the international Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) study that such disruptions in alternative splicing patterns are widespread in cancer. By developing new computer algorithms, machine learning models, and databases ( we aim to further understand the origins and consequences of such alternative splicing disruption and work towards developing new splicing biomarkers for superior diagnostic, treatment, and medication.

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Prof. Dr. Abdullah Kahraman

Expert in Clinical Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Chemoinformatics, Precision Medicine, Structural Biology, NGS, Interactomics, Proteomics

Schlagworte: cancer, clinics, disease, modelling, omics, precision medicine

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