Digital Trust Competence Center

We are an academic partner for managers, technology and industry experts as well as researchers aiming to share knowledge and best practices.

«Digital Trust means keeping our digital world safe and honest. This means ensuring secure online interactions by protecting data (cybersecurity), respecting privacy (data privacy), safely using new tech (emerging technologies), acting ethically (ethics and governance), managing risks, and following rules (compliance and audit).» – Competence Center Digital Trust

  • Digital Trust is for us the «trustworthiness of digital technologies and data.
  • Digital Trust is the basis of the digital economy ̶ regardless of which technologies or applications are involved and which data are processed. In the end, it is about treating digital data in a trustworthy manner so that we as private individuals or business partners can expect the highest possible level of protection and companies can (and want to) guarantee this.
  • Digital Trust is important for Switzerland as a competitive location and for Europe! We use the proven concepts from governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) as well as from auditing as foundation.

Digital Trust is divided into five main areas for us: 

  1. Cybersecurity & Resilience – the art of protecting networks, devices and data from unauthorized access or criminal use, and achieving resilience.
  2. Data protection – the strive towards protecting personal data from improper processing and securing the right to informational self-determination.
  3. Emerging Technologies – Emerging Technologies that have an impact on cybersecurity and Data protection (such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum computers)
  4. Ethics – the concern to evaluate and design technologies and systems together with their data flows through appropriate measures.
  5. Governance – as a constitutive element of an organization’s value creation – by means of continuous overall consideration of all processes and responsibilities to manage risks effectively and efficiently.  

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News, Education

International Group Work Award in Quantum Computing

From March to April 2024, the Competence Center Digital Trust, in collaboration with Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) and the FHNW School of Life Sciences in Muttenz, conducted an innovative quantum computing course for business students at FHNW, known as the Quantum Computing Circle (QCC). This pioneering course aimed to equip…


Elevating Data Protection Awareness for Swiss Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) 

On May 13th, 2024, the 5th Digital Trust Day held by our Competence Center took place in Basel. Over 100 participants including students and professionals from different industries attended to it and participated in various workshops, which included one dedicated to the MECyS project and especially…


Empowering Small Business Resilience: Insights From the MECyS Workshop in Malaga 

On April 4th and 5th 2024, an international workshop for the MECyS project was held in Malaga.  On the first day, our Competence Center Digital Trust presented the developed course plan for data protection education, focusing on the specifics of micro-enterprises in Switzerland. The presentation can be…


Recap of the 5th Digital Trust Day 2024

On May 13, 2024, we celebrated the 5th Digital Trust Day, an event that has grown in stature and impact with each passing year. This year’s event welcomed over 100 participants, including students, professionals, and notable guests. Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider and Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion officially opened the session with a keynote on «The Powerhouse of Digital Trust,» setting the stage for the six workshops around digital trust.

Education, News, Research

Our Quantum Computing Circle has come to an end! Our business students are equipped with valuable insights into quantum computing and its potential.

The final session of the Quantum Computing Circle on April 29, 2024, commenced with a practical workshop led by Prof. Dr. Clément Javerzac at the FHNW School of Life Sciences in Muttenz.  During this interactive session, Prof. Dr. Javerzac guided students through practical cases of quantum computing. He explored the…

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