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FHNW Graduate Receives Outstanding Paper Award at AC 2023 for «Security Information and Event Management EDO4SIEM»

27. Oktober 2023

In the dynamic world of applied computing, recognition is a mark of exceptional achievement. We are thrilled to announce that Maximilian Rosenberg, a graduate in Business Information Technology (Wirtschaftsinformatik) from School of Business FHNW (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz), has been honored with the «Outstanding Paper Award» at the Applied Computing Conference 2023 for the paper titled «Security Information and Event Management EDO4SIEM – A Generic Model for Evaluation, Deployment, and Operation».

The paper was a result of Maximilian Rosenberg’s excellent bachelor’s thesis in Business Information Technology. In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider, Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion and Dr. Christopher Scherb from FHNW’s Competence Center Digital Trust, the paper presents a generic framework for the evaluation, deployment, and operation of SIEM systems.

The Applied Computing Conference is known for its commitment to addressing key concerns within the applied computing field and related domains. The conference serves as a platform for technical experts to exchange knowledge and insights, covering a wide array of detailed areas within the applied computing landscape.

The «Outstanding Paper Award» received by the team recognizes the quality of their research and its significant contribution to the field, while also highlighting the exceptional quality of education provided by the Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. degree program at FHNW.

This award at the Applied Computing Conference 2023 acknowledges the remarkable achievement of advancing the field of applied computing and digital trust. To learn more about the Applied Computing Conference, please visit their website here.

If you’re interested in watching the presentation, a video is available here.

Schlagworte: Conference, Publications, Research

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