Projects, Education, News, Research

GEIGER Review Report

11. April 2023

The EU H2020 GEIGER project was a 4 million Euro, multi-year research project with 17 partners from 9 different countries with the aim to increase cybersecurity of small and micro enterprises. At the project end, we presented the results to the European Commission in Brussels in January 2023. The presentation was a received very successfully.

Now we have reached another important milestone in the project completion – the EU review report. We are delighted with the Commission’s highly positive assessment. The project has in the view of the reviewers delivered outstanding results in terms of software, scientific publications and training ecosystem. The innovation delivered by GEIGER that has been especially recognized is the ability to propose and execute security trainings during the exposure evaluation phase. Overall, it was appreciated that the trainings are offered to different categories of EU citizens with different level of education thereby creating very positive impact on society.

We have succeeded in positioning the FHNW and our Competence Center Digital Trust as a competent, capable, and committed coordinator at the European Commission. We are extremely pleased about this and hope that in the near future we will be part of many other interesting projects.

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