Projects, News, Research

MECys Kick-Off

20. März 2023

On 7th and 8th of March 2023, our Competence Center Digital Trust kicked-off a new research project under the leadership of the School of Education (PHF) Freiburg. The project, named MECyS aims at ‘Micro-Enterprise Cyber Security’. It has a duration of 28 months and we collaborate with partners from Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Germany and France. Our team can build upon the research results of our previous H2020 project GEIGER and we will contribute with learning tools in the field of data protection. During the two-day workshop in Freiburg we started to form a team and gain a common understanding of the problem and objectives.

MECyS addresses a socio-technological problem: ​

  • neglect of IT-lay staff in (MSEs) and other small organisations in concern of improving general cybersecurity and data privacy ​
  • Such businesses and organisations often do not have a professionalized IT-department.​

MECyS aims at following objectives:

to provide based on curricular developments training courses, training tools and materials as well as teacher trainings for cybersecurity and data privacy for IT-lay persons in working contexts of smaller companies and organisations. Thus the overall objective is the upskilling of non-IT-staff confronted with increasing requirements of digitalisation.” ​

Schlagworte: Project

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