Education, News, Research

Our Quantum Computing Circle has come to an end! Our business students are equipped with valuable insights into quantum computing and its potential.

1. Mai 2024

The final session of the Quantum Computing Circle on April 29, 2024, commenced with a practical workshop led by Prof. Dr. Clément Javerzac at the FHNW School of Life Sciences in Muttenz.  During this interactive session, Prof. Dr. Javerzac guided students through practical cases of quantum computing. He explored the costs and benefits of this technology as well as the fundamental differences between quantum and classical computers. Additionally, students had the opportunity to examine essential tools such as wafers, chips, and transistors.  The session ended with a tour of the Quantum Lab at the School of Life Sciences and finally, students even had the chance to experience the programming of a quantum computer.

Figure 1: Prof Dr Javerzac giving the students a tour of the quantum lab at the School of Life Sciences

Following the practical session, Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider introduced the students to the PESTEL framework. Students then worked in groups, analysing the impact of quantum computing across various dimensions including politics, the environment, society, technology, economics, and legal aspects.  Lastly, Bernd Hänsch, an expert from Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg concluded the lecture with philosophical reflections focusing on the model of Thomas Kuhn.

The highlight of the final session on the outlook of quantum computing is captured on one student’s feedback:

As a participant in the ‹Quantum Computing meets Business› program by the Quantum Computing Circle, I want to express my enthusiasm and gratitude. The program allowed me to significantly deepen my understanding of quantum computing through hands-on tasks and exciting lectures. One particularly thrilling task was a thorough analysis of the potential impacts, which is crucial for sustainable development. The Quantum Computing Circle has demonstrated that people and their environment are at the heart of research, giving me hope for the future of technology. I am thankful for the opportunity to have participated in this groundbreaking program and look forward to applying what I have learned in my professional career.”  – Milan Ferus-Comelo

Figure 2: Prof Dr Bettina Schneider giving a lecture on an outlook of quantum computing.

The key takeaway for students was the realisation that quantum technology represents a paradigm shift, unlocking a multitude of possibilities and innovations.

Schlagworte: Collaboration, Education, Quantum Computing

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