News, Events, Research

4th International Workshop on Blockchain and Enterprise Systems (Poem 2023)

1. Dezember 2023

We are pleased to announce our participation in the PoEM 2023 conference, in collaboration with the University of Camerino. The PoEM working conference aims to improve the understanding of the practice of Enterprise Modeling (EM) by offering a forum for sharing experiences and knowledge between the academic community and practitioners from industry and the public sector.

Blockchain can bring huge advantages by guaranteeing the integrity and immutability of data without relying on a central entity, permitting a tamper-proof execution of contractual obligations among the involved organisations. However, recent challenges should be addressed, especially in supporting multiple blockchain platforms and related smart contracts, breaking the technological barriers for enterprises.

Our joint effort resulted in the facilitation of the Blockchain Workshop, BES2023, providing valuable insights into the evolving landscape of digital trust, led by Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion, Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider, Alessandro Marcelletti (Unicam), and Andrea Morichetta (Unicam).

The aim of the workshop was to change the way to think, design and implement enterprise systems contributing to breaking the technological barriers for wider use of the blockchain and proposing novel approaches for the definition of enterprise systems.

Our Competence Center presented three papers that contribute to the discourse on blockchain technology. These contributions underscore our Competence Center commitment to advancing knowledge and research in the fields of blockchain and decentralized technologies.

The presentation slides are available for download through the links below.

The detailed overview of the proceedings of the BES2023 workshop can be explored on the Poem 2023 conference website.

Schlagworte: Collaboration, Conference, Publications, Research

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