Further articles


We did it! ERC 2023 is over.

After a stressed and long weekend in Kielce the ERC 2023 ended. During the Final Ceremony the winner of the ERC and the Best Team Award of every Task got announced. As the Final Ceremony started, the tension rose. Did we put enough effort into the project? Or could we…


Finally, the World Finals have started

After our long study break, where we had enough time to finalize our Rover, we arrived in Kielce, Poland, for the World Finals of the European Rover Challenge 2023. After a long drive, we unloaded the vehicles and tested our Rover on the Mars Yard. During the ERC, we have…


Drone: Experiencing the Next Dimension

Our Drone in real-lifeOur newest addition to the rover is our drone. The main goal of the drone is to take pictures from places the rover can’t get to, such as the top of a volcano or similar places. Furthermore, it must fly completely autonomous, which includes starting and landing…


Update – Halftime has been reached!

The first semester of our project has successfully come to an end! We were able to finish (almost) all concepts and that means our rover is complete – at least in theory…We ended the semester with a presentation where we covered all the achievements we were able to celebrate during…
