Further articles


Chassis V3.0

Looking ahead to the ERC24, the FHNW Rover Team has planned many innovations and revisions, which also place new demands on the rover’s chassis. Some of these requirements include more space inside the chassis, a new mounting point for the upcoming drivetrain and the integration of a system that allows…


We did it! ERC 2023 is over.

After a stressed and long weekend in Kielce the ERC 2023 ended. During the Final Ceremony the winner of the ERC and the Best Team Award of every Task got announced. As the Final Ceremony started, the tension rose. Did we put enough effort into the project? Or could we…


Finally, the World Finals have started

After our long study break, where we had enough time to finalize our Rover, we arrived in Kielce, Poland, for the World Finals of the European Rover Challenge 2023. After a long drive, we unloaded the vehicles and tested our Rover on the Mars Yard. During the ERC, we have…


How have the software engineers settled into the project?

Our Computer Science studentsSince the start of the spring semester of 2023, the rover team got six new team members. They are not electrical or mechanical engineering students but computer science students. Unlike the existing team members, they are also part-time students. So they work at least 50% of their…


ERC feeling in Switzerland

Our Rover Thommen during the Hero ChallengeAfter 2 Months of intensive planning, our FHNW Rover-Träff finally took place at our Campus in Windisch. The purpose of the competition was to test the weak spots of our Rover Thommen in a competition-like environment. FroST and ERIG, the Rover Teams from the…


Update – Halftime has been reached!

The first semester of our project has successfully come to an end! We were able to finish (almost) all concepts and that means our rover is complete – at least in theory…We ended the semester with a presentation where we covered all the achievements we were able to celebrate during…


The Second Generation of our Rover is called…

As you might have noticed, the European Rover Challenge 2022 is over and we were able to score an amazing 6th place. If you want to read more about our experiences on the on-site challenge, go check out our last post.But that also means that our project is moving into…



We are looking for new team members. Which meens we are looking for you! Are you a FHNW School of Engineering Student? Do you want to join our team and work on our rover during your semester projects? We are looking for students that start their third or…



As the new semester begins, the team is upgrading on all fronts.
