
Celebrating PEP

25. Januar 2019

At the end of the semester, the Professional Experience Project (PEP) team met in an Italian restaurant in Brugg to celebrate the successful end of the first EUT PEP project. The dinner was organized by the PEP coordinator, Ann Marie Jakob, and in addition to the students, the lecturers involved in PEP and the client were also invited.

The project team consisted of two Swiss students, and from abroad: one Portuguese, one Swedish and one Korean student. These exchange students have previously studied in different degree programs in their own countries and came to the FHNW to experience working on a project as well as learn about Swiss culture and management style. The technical part of the PEP project was to analyze the environmental impact of laundry processes including detergents, micro-filaments and nanoparticles.

Granted, working in and with such an international student team has its challenges, but in the end, everyone involved had a positive experience. Not only did the project team learn something, but also those involved. The combined efforts, hard work and energy lead to the successful project results. One could say the greatest rewards went to the client though: He received a comprehensive picture of the impact of washing processes on the environment, was able to collaborate with a motivated team of international students, and could help the FHNW School of Engineering continue with another interesting PEP assignment.

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