FEM Report by FEMtrepreneurs
FEM REPORT 2023 – Published by FEMtrepreneurs

According to a 2021 study by Startup Heatmap Europe, only 16.9% of founders or co-founders in Europe are women, and this trend is echoed in Switzerland, one of the world’s most innovative countries. This underrepresentation not only discourages women from pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams but also creates significant hurdles for those who do.

In this report, we aim to address these gaps and barriers that lead to women’s disadvantages in entrepreneurship in Switzerland. Our goal is to highlight successful Swiss female entrepreneurs while remaining critical of the challenges that many women still face in economic contexts.

We want to celebrate women who have broken through the barriers and built thriving businesses, but also acknowledge that there remains a lot more to do to close the gender gap in entrepreneurship.

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