
Academic Entrepreneurship: Why and How to Promote Female Founders?

16. February 2023
female founder
Women who start up: bring your ideas to life
February 16, 2023 4.00 pm – 5.35 pm
For more information visit

It is crucial that university members can implement their research outcomes in start-ups and that they are being supported in the founding process by the university. This is a decisive part of an academic culture which values the social impact of applied research.
However, what are the reasons that female researchers found less start-ups than their male counterparts? Which measures are needed to change this? This event aims to provide a platform to discuss the need for the support of female founders and how universities can overcome gender biases in academic entrepreneurship.

Event organizer:Office for Equal Opportunities and Innovation Office, University of Bern
Speaker:Prof. Dr. Brigitte Liebig, Professor of Applied Psychology, FHNW, FemSpin
Time:16:00 – 17:35 
Locality: S201
Schanzeneckstrasse 1
3012 Bern
Registration:Registration. Deadline 14 February 2023.
Characteristics:open to the public
free of charge


16:10Talk of Prof. Dr. Brigitte Liebig: “Academic entrepreneurship – no field for women?”
16:45Panel discussion, incl. Q&A on “Why and how to promote female founders?”

Sabine Höfler

Panel Guests
Prof. Dr. Heike Mayer, Designated Vice-Rector Quality, University of Bern
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Liebig, Professor for Applied Psychology, FHNW, FemSpin
Sébastien Hug, Head of the Innovation Office, University of Bern
Dr. Anja Mühlemann, Founder and Co-Owner of Codefabrik
17:30Concluding remarks
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