BTSO courses and further training in Binocular Vision

Further training for the Binocular Test Sequence Olten (BTSO) is mandatory for regular login – either in person or online. BTSO courses are discounted for OptikSchweiz members and their employees. The BTSO online course is free of charge for other employees of the same company/ branch.

BTSO Online Course

DateTime of dayCoursePricesParticipants
06.01.249-11hBTSO online (2h)
200 CHF / reduced 150 CHF1 to 15
24.03.259-11hBTSO online (2h)
200 CHF / reduced 150 CHF1 to 15
31.03.259h-11hBTSO online (2h) German200 CHF / reduced 150 CHF1 to 15
05.05.259-11hBTSO online (2h) French200 CHF / reduced 150 CHF1 to 15
12.05.259-11hBTSO online (2h)
200 CHF / reduced 150 CHF1 to 15
16.06.259-11hBTSO online (2h)
200 CHF / reduced 150 CHF1 to 15
23.06.259-11hBTSO online (2h)
200 CHF / reduced 150 CHF1 to 15

The basic functions of the BTSO learning app are shown in the Zoom meeting and can be tested. Together we will work on an example case to apply the sequence input and quick input. OptikSchweiz association members receive a reduced price. The target group is all professionals who are interested in solving visual problems and would also like to use the BTSO app to further improve the scientific basis.

BTSO Hands-on Courses in Olten

DateTime of dayCoursePricesParticipants
Date follows9h-13hBTSO Hands-on (4h) German400 CHF / reduced 260 CHF4 to 10

The Institute of Optometry in Olten has developed a new app based on the latest scientific literature. Binocular and accommodative functions are recorded and graphically displayed and case management options are shown. 

This is done with the aim of being able to analyse the cause of visual complaints in the shortest possible time. Measurement data is still recorded “by hand”, but the user is guided through the process of the minimum necessary tests. With the BTSO learning app, the measured values are also collected anonymously in order to generate customised standard values in the future. Its use therefore makes an important contribution to scientific research.

In the basic workshop, the application of the BTSO Basic App is discussed and demonstrated using example cases. The “minimal test battery” is demonstrated and explained in detail:

  • Convergence near point with penlight and red glass
  • Near- and far-phoria with Maddox cylinder and Thorington card
  • Monocular accommodation facility

OptikSchweiz association members receive a reduced price. The target group is all professionals who are interested in solving vision problems and would also like to contribute to further improving the scientific basis with the BTSO app. Course venue: Institute of Optometry, Hall 20, Riggenbachstr. 16, 4600 Olten.

BTSO intensive course in Olten with all functional tests

DateTime of dayCoursePriceParticipants
13.01.259h-17hBTSO Intensive (8h) German600 CHF / reduced 500 CHF4 to 10
17.02.259h-17hBTSO Intensive (8h) German600 CHF / reduced 500 CHF4 to 18
24.02.259h-17hBTSO Intensive (8h) German600 CHF / reduced 500 CHF4 to 18
03.06.259h-17hBTSO Intensive (8h) German600 CHF / reduced 500 CHF4 to 10

In this practical workshop, we will look at analysing binocular vision and accommodation and practise the practical steps involved. We will focus on applying and discussing the tests of the minimal test battery with each other.

  • Convergence near point with penlight and red glass
  • Near- and far-phoria with Maddox cylinder and Thorington card
  • Monocular accommodation facility

For a deeper understanding in individual cases, further measurements are required, which we will look at in their correct application using examples. By comparing the measured values with the respective standard values, it is possible to assess in detail where the strengths and weaknesses of the visual system lie.

  • Relative vergences, vergence flexibility, AC/A, MEM skiascopy

The implementation of the results of a classification is the second focus of the workshop. We will practise classifying the classes with examples. Depending on the case, there are various options for supporting and improving visual functions, which we will discuss in terms of efficiency and feasibility.

The aim of the workshop is to familiarise participants with the functional tests for vergence and accommodation and to be able to apply and assess them. The classification of non-strabismic and accommodative disorders will become more reliable. They will also be familiar with the options for managing the classes found.

The target group is all professionals who are interested in solving vision problems and would also like to contribute to further improving the scientific basis with the BTSO app. Course location: Institute of Optometry, Hall 20, Riggenbachstr. 16 in 4600 Olten.

Starter-Box BTSO

The necessary materials for the BTSO tests: Penlight near and LED distance / Thorington card near and distance / Red glass Maddox trowel / Flipper ±2.0 dpt you can easily order yourself

Advanced classroom courses on binocular vision

MKH 5.0 Basis

DateTime of dayCoursePriceParticipants
Date follows9h-13hMKH 5.0 Basis (4h)
400 CHF4 to 10

The new guidelines for the application of the MCH have been significantly revised with the result that some terms have been redefined and the practical application has also been included in much greater detail. This should make the MCH more compatible with international standards and terms. The most important changes are explained and discussed. The tension between empirically proven concepts of MCH over decades and the current state of science will also be included. The aim of the workshop is to familiarise participants with the MKH according to the current guidelines and to be able to draw their own conclusions regarding its application. The target group is all professionals who are interested in prismatic correction and who have already familiarised themselves with the basic concepts of MKH.


MKH 5.0 intensive

DateTime of dayCoursePriceParticipants
Date follows
Mo 9h-17h
MKH 5.0 intensive (8h)
German or English
600 CHF4 to 10

The application of the MKH for prismatic correction determination has been significantly revised in the 5th edition. What are the current rules? What is evidence-based – what is based on experience? Is there a “wrong” way to apply the MKH if it is based on personal experience? The course focuses on practical work, but it is also about understanding processes and contexts. The possible questions are practised on all MKH tests. In some cases we work with each other or on simulated cases, especially when it comes to prismatic correction steps. The following workflows have been redefined and are an important part of the workshop:

  • Necessary basic tests and functional tests
  • Tone control instead of return
  • Binocular-refractive alignment with cylinder-axis alignment
  • Heterophoria determination distance – near in comparison

The aim is to be able to apply MKH according to the current guidelines and integrate it into your own working methods. The target group is all professionals who are interested in prismatic correction and who have already worked with the MKH in their practice.

Strabismus intensive

DateTime of dayCoursePriceParticipants
Date follows9h-17hStrabismus intensive (8h)
German or English
600 CHF4 to 10

Which forms of strabismus are differentiated? Which basic examinations are necessary for concomitant strabismus and which for paretic strabismus? We will develop a system for understanding the different forms of strabismus. Video examples will be used to illustrate the different cases.

  • Motor abnormalities and measurement methods: e.g. prism cover test
  • Paretic strabismus and measurement methods: e.g. Hess-Weiss card
  • Suppressions and scotomas and measurement methods: e.g. dark red glass, Worth
  • Secondary anomalies and measurement methods: e.g. Bagolini
  • Microstrabismus and measurement methods: e.g. TNO Stereotest

The aim of the workshop is to recognise and differentiate between the basic types of strabismus. The measurement methods can be applied and measurement results correctly categorised. The target group is all professionals who want to gain an insight into measurement methods used in strabology, orthoptics and optometry.

Everything except MKH

DateTime of dayCoursePriceParticipants
Date follows
9 – 17h
Everything except MKH (8h) German or English600 CHF4 to 10

MKH is not everything when it comes to solving visual problems caused by binocular vision disorders. In this practical workshop, we will analyse binocular vision and accommodation. By comparing the measured values with the respective standard values, it is possible to gain a very good overview of where the strengths and weaknesses of the visual system lie. We will take and discuss the measurements with each other.

  • Relative vergences 
  • Vergence-Facility
  • Dissociated heterophoria distance and near and AC/A
  • Convergence near point with different methods
  • Accommodation facility
  • Relative accommodation
  • MEM-Retinoscopy

To determine corrective prisms, we will discuss and practise the Mallett test at distance and near. Its use is quickly learnt and the test for horizontal and vertical corrective prisms can be performed in just a few minutes.  

The aim of the workshop is to familiarise participants with the functional tests for vergence and accommodation and to be able to apply and assess them. In addition, the application of the Mallett test for determining corrective prisms should be understood and put into practice. The target group is all professionals who are interested in solving visual problems and

Continuous advice on BTSO

The regular Zoom exchange for registered BTSO users will start in May 2024. If you are interested, please register by e-mail:
