This Zahnd After successfully defending his Bachelor-Thesis “Modeling-Based Approach Towards Quality by Design for a Telescoped Process” at the university of applied sciences FHNW-HLS (Project partner Siegfried AG), This joined us on September 19th 2022, strengthening the teams expertise in process development. Together with Benedikt Brönnimann he will work on the Innosuisseproject “Novel model-based safety concept for hazardous continuous processes“…
Best Poster Award Ajmal Roshan attended the Swiss Nanoscience Institute annual meeting held in Lenzerheide and presented his work on self-assembled metal-organic networks as a poster securing the Best Poster Award. Congratulations Ajmal!…
During the annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Toxicology in Basel, November 2021, the poster entitled “Investigation of the interplay between oxidative stress and antioxidant defense in 3-dimensional primary human liver microtissues” prepared by Joelle Hofer and presented by Fabrice Müller was awarded a poster prize. At the same…
Dr. Abhijna Das After successfully defending her PhD-Thesis ““Controlling Phase Transitions in Langmuir Polymer Films” at the University of Freiburg (Germany) , Abhijna joined us on April 1st 2021, strengthening the teams expertise in material sciences.
Nach langem Warten freue ich mich euch endlich wieder zu einem gemeinsamen ICB-Sommerabend einzuladen.Das Grillfest findet am Freitag 10. September 2021, ab 18 Uhr in bzw. vor der Banntagsstube der Waldhütte auf dem Sulzchopf statt.Wir freuen uns über zahlreiche Anmeldungen über das Anmeldeformular, bis zum 11. August 2021, 12:00…